The easter hare
In spring the return of the days with more hours of light is celebrated, the awakening of nature, plant growth and a revitalization of the environment. The Easter gardens are prepared and finally, the day before the holidays, The Easter Hare arrives leaving its eggs in the gardens of the boys and girls of our school.
In the Nordic regions of Europe, as well as in the United States and Canada, Easter Sunday is celebrated in various customs that come from Babylon, such as painting different colored eggs, these hide and the children look for them to eat them.
The egg is an ancient symbol of "Holy Week". But before serving the Christian cause, the egg was a recurring element in many other cultures. "The egg symbolizes life",
The egg is generally a symbol of origin, fertility and birth
The rabbit symbolizes fertility. Fertility, the birth of life, so much animal, the egg and the rabbit, as a vegetable, represented by the arrival of spring, are traditions closely related to the cult of the sun and mother nature.
The rabbit represents fertility, since it is an animal capable of giving birth to 20 pups per year.
Rabbits or hares, just as eggs were common ordinary symbols of fertility during the spring renewal and regeneration festivals celebrated by ancient civilizations around the world.. Some of the earliest written records of these rituals come from ancient Egypt, dating from as early as 2300 BC and are based on even older oral traditions.
Many civilizations, like that of the Romans, chinese, persian, they used the egg as a universal symbol of fertility, (there is a life inside) and birth, associate, as well, to concepts like joy and rejoicing.
Currently, the easter egg has gone around the world, reason for which it has suffered variations both in its appearance and in the way of valuing it according to the customs and possibilities of its adoptive countries. Despite the diversifications, maintains its European essence since it is still considered one of the most significant symbols of Easter, wherever you are.
As is traditional, we will celebrate this party at the school with the children, which corresponds to an ancient tradition that was celebrated with the entrance of spring and that later with Christianity is celebrated on Easter Sunday.
The hare is an animal that proliferates mainly in the spring, is able to offer itself as a decoy to protect its young and even other hares, is the manifestation of selfless love, of the sense of sacrifice towards others.
Every sacrifice carries with it the birth of something new, of a creation, and this is the image that the egg offers us, always symbol of a new life.
The hare brings the eggs decorated either in one color or with figures, which apparently doesn't seem like it, but they always have some symbology. The hare will always ask the rainbow for its colors to decorate its eggs, It is again the connection of the earthly with the cosmic.
At the party our children will enjoy a magical time looking for the eggs that the Little Hare brings, unlike gifts from the Magi, here they must make the effort to look for them and find them in the garden. In this age the rituals of certain festivals, they are part of the annual rhythm and we all know how important rhythm is for children.
A whole celebration that children live with great joy, especially when they go out to the garden to get their baskets and share the big breakfast that they have all prepared together.
Song / poem:
Far away in his quiet abode.
There is the Easter hare sitting.
Looking, looking to see
Where the eggs go to hide.
Soon find a bowl
Of a very small child.
In a hurry she lays eggs from her basket
To celebrate this beautiful party