Organization of activities
The activities are organized harmoniously in the school day so that there is an alternation between moments of expansion and concentration, as if it were a breath. We carry out different types of activities in the classroom: playful, practices, manuals and artistic.
- Free play in the classroom. After the game comes the collection of toys, all the children participate in tidying up the room, taking each toy to its place. Playing and collecting are part of the same process.
- The preparation of breakfasts.
Children willingly participate in the work of kneading the bread.
During free play time, the teacher prepares breakfast that all the children will eat later., together at the big table, at lunch time. Some children join her in this task. One day a week we knead bread, the children willingly participate in this work.
For breakfast we use natural nutritious foods, integral and biological (fruits and cereals mainly) with the intention of creating healthy eating habits in children.
- Artistic activities. Every day of the week we carry out a different artistic activity ( paint with waxes, watercolor painting, modeling…), Nevertheless, everything that is done with children in the school day is carried out in an artistic way.
- Manual activities. Through imitation, the child joins in these activities that normally have to do with the preparation of seasonal festivals. (in autumn we make lanterns, In Christmas, posavelas, beautiful cards or tree decorations, at easter we paint eggs, in spring we make butterflies….)
- songs, corros, rhyme, finger games: they will nurture the child, at the same time that, through them, little by little they become aware of their body and develop their musical sense Each season of the year brings rhymes and allegorical songs to it. In this way the child interconnects with what happens outside., in nature and it is situated in time.
- The game abroad: after breakfast we went out to the garden. The garden is a wonderful place for children to play, where every corner is pleasantly appreciated (the swings, the grass, the little houses, the sandbox, the trees to hide and climb, tables to build and balance ...) Outdoor play allows them to be in contact with the elements of nature, the earth, Water, the air, light and life (How many plants, bugs and birds have their home here!) and in the wide space they can move freely, screw, to run, jump and develop their motor skills.
- Story time. At the end of the morning it is time for the story. According to the ages, we tell the children traditional fairy tales and folk tales related to the different times of the year The same story will be repeated for several days, sometimes represented in the form of a puppet theater. Through storytelling, the child learns to listen, enriches your language and develops your imagination.