
Do you want to collaborate and don't know how?? Cobbler to your shoes!

if you are a freelance professional, can collaborate with the Waldorf School, offering your services or products through our Online store. The money from the cost of each service will go entirely to the school and with each order you will establish a new client. Only the purchase of each service is allowed, product or pack, by email or single user.

Sign up and collaborate!

Send us your personal data, title, name of your service or products to offer, as well as the number of services to be provided and their price.

In addition, it is also important to say your work location, as well as some illustrative image, of good quality, as far as possible. Finally if you want, Can you add any clarifying comments about your work?, to potential new customers.

    * In case of service and not product.

    Description (brief summary of 2 oh 3 lines):

    Main Image:
    2nd image:
    3rd image:

    Observations / Comments: